
Our sense of integrity comes from a commitment to honesty, consistency, and wholeness. Rather than greenwashing, we seek to understand where real value can be derived from climate inefficiencies.

Our research and investment process is forthright about complexity, rather than relying on meaningless scores. We look under the hood of each company to understand the nuances. We do not just look at the obvious “brown” and “green” extremes, we also exploit the subtleties in the middle as companies transition to a lower-carbon world. We present our views openly. We admit when we're wrong. We remain open to constantly bridging the gap between what we know and what we're learning.



We believe in constructive and thoughtful disagreement to combat groupthink.

We believe in owning decisions as a team, prioritizing getting it right over defending our ideas, sharing information, and challenging our thinking and assumptions. Our culture is founded on trust, openness, mutual respect, and complementary skillsets.


We recognize that the greatest trust you can place in someone is allocating your resources to them—your money, time, and reputation.

We seek to be the best stewards of that trust and resources. We aim to be resourceful, focused, and intentional about what will move the needle, and what won't.


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